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PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

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PHP_LogoParadigm: Imperative, functional, object-oriented, procedural, reflective
Designed by: Rasmus Lerdorf
Developer: The PHP Group
First appeared: 1995; 20 years ago
Typing discipline: Dynamic, weak
Implementation language: C (primarily; some components C++)
OS: Cross-platform (Unix-like systems, Windows, other 32-bit and 64-bit platforms)
License: PHP License (most of Zend engine under Zend Engine License)
Filename extensions: .php, .phtml, .php3, .php4, .php5, .phps
Website: php.net
Major implementations: Zend Engine, HHVM, Phalanger, Quercus, Project Zero, Parrot
Influenced by: Perl, C, C++, Java, Tcl
Influenced: Hack

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, better known by its recursive acronym PHP, is a free programming language mainly used to produce dynamic web pages via an HTTP server, but it can also function as any language interpreted locally. PHP is an imperative object-oriented language like C ++.

PHP has allowed to create many famous websites, such as Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. It is now considered the basis for the creation of the so-called dynamic websites.


PHP is a scripting language used most often server-side: in this architecture, the server interprets the PHP code of requested Web pages and generates code (HTML, XHTML, CSS, for example) and data (JPEG, GIF, PNG, for example) that can be interpreted and rendered by a browser. PHP can also generate other formats like WML, SVG, PDF.

It was designed to allow the creation of dynamic applications, usually developed for the Web. PHP is most often coupled with an Apache server although it can be installed on most HTTP servers such as IIS. This coupling allows to retrieve information from a database, a file system (file and tree contents) or more simply by the data sent by browser to be interpreted or stored for later use.

It’s a little typed and flexible language and therefore easy to learn for a beginner, but, because of this, security vulnerabilities can quickly appear in applications. Pragmatic, PHP stopped encumbering no theory and tends to choose the most direct path. However, the function names (as well as the passage of arguments) does not always follow a uniform logic, which can be detrimental to learning.

Its use begins with form processing and access to databases. Access to databases is easy after installation of corresponding modules performed on the server. The most obvious strength of this language is that it has allowed over time the wealthy solving of complicated problems once and became therefore a key component of the hosting offers.

It is cross-platform: Linux as well as Windows allow easily to extend the same code on an environment somewhat similar (taking into account the rules of directory trees that may change).

Free, easy to use and install, this language requires as any programming language an understanding of the main common functions and an acute knowledge of safety problems associated with that language.

Version 5.3 introduced many features: namespaces – fundamental to the development of extensions, libraries and structured frameworks, anonymous functions, closures, etc.

Today nearly 80% of websites are using PHP language in its various versions. Many PHP developers responsible for these sites use latest version in their daily missions.

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