Its main purpose is to maintain and extend the development and availability of the telework and teleactivities and its associated technologies, applications and principles – both as an end in itself, and as a means of enabling organizations, professions, and individuals worldwide to more effectively collaborate, cooperate, and innovate in their respective fields and interests.
Its specific goals and purposes include:
development, maintenance, evolution, and dissemination of standards for the telework and teleactivities and its technologies, applications and principles;
growth and evolution of the telework and teleactivities architecture;
maintenance and evolution of effective administrative processes necessary for operation of the telework and teleactivities;
education and research related to the telework and teleactivities;
harmonization of actions and activities at national and international levels to facilitate the development and availability of the telework and teleactivities;
collection and dissemination of information related to the telework and teleactivities, including histories and archives;
assisting rural areas and peoples in implementing and evolving the telework and teleactivities and use;
liaison with other organizations, institutions and the general public for coordination, collaboration, and education in effecting the above purposes.
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