(Photo M.Ap.N.: The first eight Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles now in use of the 811th “Dragonii Transilvani” Maneuver Battalion and the 812th “Şoimii Carpaţilor” Maneuver Battalion deployed in Zabul Province)
The government approved yesterday Romania’s military strategy – Modern armed forces, for a strong Romania in Europe and worldwide. The strategy was reviewed and approved by the CSAT meeting in May and falls within three months from the approval of the Defense White Book, established by law for endorsement and approval.
The document approved by the government starts from addressing the wider national security strategy promoted within National Defense for the period 2015-2019, confirming the inter-institutional character, where the size of defense combine and balance each other diplomatic, economic and information dimensions.
The developing of the strategy took into account that the main effort focuses on ensuring the operational and response capacity of the command structure and force structure for the defense, by its own effort, of the territorial integrity and national sovereignty and participation in missions of collective defense territory of the Member States of NATO.
Based on assessment of potential risks and military threats the military strategy is detailing how to fulfill military missions of the Romanian Army and the directions for setting up the force structure in line with defense policy objectives specified in the White Paper on defense. It outlines the main tasks assigned to the military instrument, with a horizon of four years, and cover a medium and long-term perspective.
Complementary to other defending planning documents at the national and departmental level, the military strategy is based on compliance with the national policy Agreement on increasing resources for defense, on the implementation of the Program on transformation, developing and equipping the Romanian Army until 2026 and considers influences determined by the implementation of NATO’s strategic adaptation measures. The meaning of main concepts and terms used in this document meets the definitions provided in the Guidance of National Defense Strategy of Romania.
Romania’s military strategy was drawn up under Law 203/2015 on defense planning. The document is implementing the defense and security policy, defining the development of the military institution for the armed defense of the country’s in ally context.
The strategy details the potential military risks and threats, the military missions and military national targets, the national defense capabilities and priorities to achieve it, the command structure and force structure of the Romanian Army, as well as strategic and operational principles and concepts.
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