The sample deal below assumes that a game is being played by four players: Alice, who is dealing in the examples; Bob, who is sitting to her left; Carol to his left; and David to Carol’s left.
All players ante $.25. Alice deals each player two downcards and one upcard, beginning with Bob and ending with herself. Bob is dealt the 4♠, Carol the K♦, David the 4♦, and Alice the 9♣. Because they are playing with a $1 bring-in, David is required to start the betting with a $1 bring-in (his 4♦ is lower than Bob’s 4♠ by suit). He had the option to open the betting for more, but he chose to bet only the required $1. The bring-in sets the current bet amount to $1, so Alice cannot check. She decides to call. Bob folds, indicating this by turning his upcard face down and discarding his cards. Carol raises to $3. David folds, and Alice calls.
Alice now deals a second face-up card to each remaining player: Carol is dealt the J♣, and Alice the K♥. Alice’s two upcards make a poker hand of no pair, K-9-high, and Carol has K-J-high, so it is Carol’s turn to bet. She checks, as does Alice, ending the betting round. Another face up card is dealt: Carol gets the T♥, (T = 10) and Alice gets the K♣. Alice now has a pair of kings showing, and Carol still has no pair, so Alice bets first. She bets $5, and Carol calls. On the next round, Carol receives the T♦, making her upcards K-J-T-T. Alice receives the 3♠. Alice’s upcards are 9-K-K-3; the pair of kings is still higher than Carol’s pair of tens, so she bets $5 and Carol calls. Each player now receives a downcard. It is still Alice’s turn to bet because the downcard did not change either hand. She checks, Carol bets $10, and Alice calls.
That closes the last betting round, and both players remain, so there is a showdown. Alice shows her cards: 9♥ 5♦ 9♣ K♥ K♣ 3♠ 5♠. The best five-card poker hand she can play is K-K-9-9-5, making two pair, kings and nines. Carol shows Q♠ 2♥ K♦ J♣ T♥ T♦ A♦. She can play A-K-Q-J-T, making an ace-high straight, and so Carol wins the pot.
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