Criticisms of ontological argument for the existence of God


Gaunilon and Thomas Aquinas opposed, in the Middle Ages, the ontological argument developed by Saint Anselm: it is not because we imagine and design a fortunate island that it necessarily exists, Gaunilon objects in substance. Similarly, it could be objected … Read More

Ontological argument for the existence of God, exposed by famous philosophers


Spinoza It is in proposition 11 of the first part of the Ethics that Spinoza proposes a proof of the existence of God by the essentialist approach. The statement of this proposition is: “God, that is, a substance consisting of … Read More

Descartes’ ontological argument for the existence of God


The ontological argument is an argument which aims to prove the existence of God. It is said to be ontological, because it bases its proof on the definition of what the being (ontos) of God is: it is in the … Read More