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WordPress features

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WordPress is a blogging software that has all the usual features of this type of software. It allows multiple authors to publish posts, which are ordered by date and by category. Multiple categories can be assigned to a given post.

In addition, WordPress includes the management of external links, trackbacks, and a fine system management of the comments. Besides, there are more minor features, such as typographical filters, a multilingual interface, and a system of permanent links.

WordPress can import content from many other content management systems, such as Blogger, Movable Type and Textpattern, and export of feed in RSS format . In addition, WordPress respects the web standards XHTML and CSS.

Because of its many features, WordPress is a blogging software rather intended for advanced users, with a minimum of knowledge management systems content. Despite the clarity of its interface, the profusion of menus and options relating configuration can discard novice users. Advanced users will find, meanwhile, many opportunities to improve their blog into a veritable e-commerce shop, a portfolio, a brochure site by optimizing, etc.

Installing WordPress is easy, but requires technical knowledge and accommodation with the PHP programming language, a MySQL database and FTP access.

WordPress is popular mainly with users around free software and with knowledge of software programming. The public interface is customizable through templates files, and plugins can be developed. The WordPress community is very active and has a growing number of resources such as ready-made themes, documentation and translation software.

WordPress themes

To help users to build their site with original and easily customizable skins on the WordPress CMS, there is a wide choice of WordPress themes (free and paid), available on many websites created ad hoc. To find one of these sites, users can simply search by “wordpress themes” on search engines. For installing themes, simply download and transfer them to the site via FTP client, or use the specific admin section. Themes can then be set and modified from WordPress administrator interface.

Translated and adapted from Wikipedia under GNU Free Documentation License.

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