Facts: in 2015, more than 200 million people have technology installed on their computers to block the advertisements. 50% of users in US, and 26% of desktop users, have installed ad blockers. And the trend includes now the mobile devices.
The most used application to block the ads is AdBlock, an extension for Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge web browsers to filter the content and block the ads, same functionality as Adblock Plus for Firefox.
A lost of $24 billion dollars in ad revenue because of ad blockers in 2015, in accordance with Ovum and The Wall Street Journal report.
Some highlight the harmful effects of ad blockers that deny the free access websites of all or part of their income, forcing them to find new business models, to reduce the quality of their service and even to close.
Others argue that advertising on the Web is used to track the user from site to site through third-party sites cookies, this due to the nature of the business model of internet advertising, so the rewards are make in exchange for users’ personal data.
Some websites allow the access to their content only after the users put them on a white list in AdBlock. The reports show that 40% of ad blocking technology agree accept this term for the websites with good or useful content
Anyway, a IAB/YouGov study concludes that most users understand the need of ads, but they are blocking the ads for other specific reasons that can be avoided.
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