The Museum of the Iron Gates Region is only one of the culture centers of our town which has been carrying on an intense activity, contributing to the scientific, musical and artistic education of the town inhabitants and becoming a centre of cultural irradiation for those areas situated south of the Danube which are inhabited by Romanians who have been separated from their brothers by the cruelty of history.
Founded in 1912 by Al. Barcacila, the museum was concerned with preserving the archeological remains of our town, an activity which was begun as early as the 19th century. It thus became a reference institution for the Romanian museography the very moment it made its appearance. Its impressive collections – which have been completed since 1951 with a cultural, scientific and artistical heritage which used to belong to the ,,Dr. C.I. Istrati” Museum (it was open for some 25 years in the west wing of the Cultural Palace) – contributed to the modem organization of several exhibitions with various profiles: history – archeology, natural science, aquarium, folklore etc. (1972).
Art Museum
The Arts Museum exhibits great values of the Romanian feudal art, as well as artistic creations of the 19th and 20th centuries (paintings signed by famous Romanian artists such as Grigorescu, Tonitza, Palady, Petrascu, Darascu). The eastern wing of the Cultural Palace has been housing the ,,I.G. Bibicescu” Library (since 1924). It bears the name of its donor and is the richest book donation in Romania (more than 30.000 volumes, including books and Journals).
Subsidiaries of this library have been organized in Romania and on the other bank of the Danube, all of them being endowed with books and furniture. But, of course, this is not the only place in Turnu Severin where young people can acquire all sorts of technical, artistic or data processing knowledge.
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