As a result of the controversies over alternative medicine, the medical school through his dean suspended its university diploma of homeopathy for the beginning academic year in expectation of the position of the Haute Autorité de Santé (High Authority of Health).
The dean made this decision following the controversy launched by health professionals about this practice. Homeopathy is a pseudo-scientific practice of alternative medicine invented by Samuel Hahnemann in 17961. The belief on which is based homeopathy is that of a possibility of treating a patient by diluting very strongly substances which, if they were concentrated, would provoke symptoms similar to those which he encounters. He announced it publicly on the Twitter account of the Faculty of Medicine: “The Faculty of Medicine of Lille decides to suspend its University Diploma of homeopathy for the beginning academic year in expectation of the position of the High Authority of Health and national exchanges on the frame of this practice and its teaching.”
Dozens of doctors are the subject of a complaint from the union of homeopaths for denouncing the “alternative medicine”. The French Ministry of Health has officially seized the High Authority of Health to assess the effectiveness of the white granules, the heart of a controversy this summer between doctors. The small white pellets are used by 33% of the French people, generating a market of 620 million euros.
The Faculty of Medicine of Lille is located on the campus of the University Hospital of Lille. It belongs to the University of Lille. With more than 11,000 students, it is the largest training and research unit in medicine in France.
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