Google+ is designed as an extra layer to existing Google services and running with a Google account.
Google highlights three new services:
- the “circles“, different groups of contacts that the user can create and in which he decides that he wants to share information. Organized via an interface to “drag and drop”, the contacts are part of circles they may know the members but they do not know the name. Privacy settings also allow people to hide members of his circles as well as those to which they belong. This system replaces the “friends list” present in other sites like Facebook.
- “hangouts“, a system of collective and spontaneous video chat, bringing together between 2-10 people simultaneously. Each hangout can potentially be joined by anyone who would own unique URL. On August 18, 2011, Google added a feature to the “Share” button on YouTube, to suggest a friend to watch the video simultaneously, in a hangout.
- the “sparks“, a suggestion and share content system with their contacts by topic, similar to the “Recommendations” section of Google Reader.
In addition, a Google+ account can:
- Picasa users are able to store unlimited images, where a normal user is assessed a storage quota.
- To send photos in an automated fashion, from an Android or iOS phone to private folder via the “instant upload” feature, and eventually share later.
- Communicate via the Google Talk chat in the same way as Gmail, but also through the “Huddle” feature, a tool for instant communication available on Android, iPhone, and SMS.
- To see YouTube videos directly from your Google+ page, service implemented since November 3, 2011.
The launch took place after the Google +1, a feature that allows a Google account user to click a button available on most websites to indicate that he likes the article.
Google announced August 11, 2011 that there would be games available on Google+ quickly.
Google makes from March 2013 to use animated gifs profile image on Google+.
In June 2014, Google created the My Business for managing the user’s business activity on Google interface. Google My Business is a centralized interface to manage Google+ pages whether they are local or not.
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