Immortality is the fact for a living to escape death and stay alive for indefinite period of time, meaning to be eternal.
At least since the Egypt of the pharaohs, many religions consider a post-mortem life whose conditions depend on a divine judgment, and compensate the injustices committed or suffered during the earthly life. There is to date no scientific evidence to confirm or even to assume the possibility of a living life after the destruction of the brain, except in the very particular sense, without idea of personal survival, life “in memory of his relatives.”
The order of presentation is chronological here:
Buddhism considers a cycle of birth, death and rebirth acting according to the actions of an individual. This cycle (samsara) is considered painful, boring and leading to nothing, the sage is to extract himself to reach nirvana, which is the state of non-need.
However, Dalai Lama explained simply in an interview with Le Figaro in 1990 that “if science were to prove that reincarnation is impossible,” then Buddhism simply abandon this belief.”
Christianity introduced a different concept of life after death: the resurrection of the body in harmony also with Ezekiel’s vision of restoring men from their bones. Unlike Platonism, Christianity does not seem to pay special attention to a separate body soul: it is the reconstruction of the body that the doctrine promises its deserving believers, registered in the Creed, which summarizes the key points.
The post-mortem sequence is complex: the particular judgment, last judgment, heaven, hell, purgatory subsequently introduced into consideration venial sins that do not deserve eternal punishment, but must nevertheless be punished limbo for unbaptized children (Pelagius refuse to admit and will be excommunicated, Benedict XVI, however, remove the dogma), and finally resurrection.
The Islamic paradise is described as a pleasant place (3.15 “For the righteous there, with their Lord, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein” 29.58 “those who believe and do good works, We certainly abode in the high places in gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein Here is the image of Paradise promised to believers” 47.15 “there shall flow streams always pure and limpid water, streams of milk unalterable flavor, rivers of wine delicious to drink, rivers of honey pure and distilled”).
Hell is described as a place of torture (“those who do not believe in Our Signs, We shall burn in the fire property. Whenever their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for other skins so that they may taste the punishment” [Qur’an 4:56], but also apparent, however, the Christian purgatory, because Allah is mentioned as a drawing that he wants when he sees fit.
In the plan of salvation of Mormons, every man is switched after death to one of the three degrees of glory, celestial, terrestrial, or telestial.
Translated and adapted from Wikipedia.
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