About 30 people in Siliştea – Pungesti requires intervention in force of gendarmes, Monday morning. People were picked up and climb into vans while on county road in the area gendarmerie mounted fences.
The equipment arrived in the area with the Gendarmerie, dozens of locals intervened to prevent access to equipment, but people were stopped by the gendarmes.
Garceni – Vaslui county road is completely blocked by gendarmerie, where Chevron has leased land on Siliştea place and will start the exploration of shale gas.
Locals claim that while staying in camp Monday morning at 04.30, gendarmes intervened in force, and they climbed some of them into vans, people saying that in total, were taken by gendarmes 30 people.
Later, in the area came dozens of locals called by the people in the camp who argue that gendarmes continued to intervene in force, forcing them to leave the area.
Some of the protesters claim they were assaulted by gendarmes, and that would have been hit including batons by police, and this time the area had been brought more Chevron equipment.
The county road was blocked with fences being impeded access to the tents of protesters.
The area is not allowed any access to journalists, who were told that the measure is taken for their “security”, and so far there is no official information from the authorities regarding the situation at Pungesti.
As of October 3, Chevron has obtained a building permit for a location of the Vaslui County for the first exploration of wells shale gas in Romania, after the company has received all necessary approvals from the authorities for soil exploration area at Siliştea.
About 500 people protested on October 16 in the village Siliştea, commune Pungesti, Vaslui county, where Chevorn company intends to place the first probe shale gas exploration in Vaslui.
Locals blocked then Vaslui – Garceni county road to prevent equipment company employed by the oil company to enter the perimeter. After protests in October , residents were placed tents and sleeping accommodation, where some of them are sleeping during the night. The area is called “resistance camp at Pungesti”.
Subsequently, representatives of Chevron withdrew specialists on land area owned in Siliştea and no longer return to the area.
Tom Holst, manager for Romania Chevron, announced then that exploration of shale gas from Pungesti will be suspended until the safety of our employees, the builders and the community will be ensured.
As of November 27, about 200 locals from the village Pungesti gathered again in the area where Chevron owns the land that would place the first probe shale gas exploration. People say they have resorted to this act after they saw in the area several gendarmerie cars.
Chevron representatives announced Monday morning at 7.00 were started preparation of the access road to the land leased by the company in the village Siliştea – Pungesti in Vaslui County, where they got more equipment.
Tom Holst, managerul Chevron pentru România, a anunţat apoi că explorarea gazelor de şist de la Pungeşti se suspendă până când siguranţa angajaţilor firmei, a constructorilor şi a comunităţii va fi asigurată şi, totodată, până când se va înţelege că metodele folosite de către companie sunt cele mai bune.
În 27 noiembrie, aproximativ 200 de localnici din comuna vasluiană Pungeşti s-au adunat din nou în zona în care Chevron deţine terenul pe care ar urma să amplaseze prima sondă de explorare a gazelor de şist, oamenii spunând atunci că au recurs la acest gest după ce în zonă au văzut mai multe maşini ale Jandarmeriei.
Reprezentanţii Chevron au anunţat, luni dimineaţă, că la ora 7.00 au fost începute lucrările de amenajare a drumului de acces spre terenul concesionat de companie în zona localităţii Siliştea-Pungeşti din judeţul Vaslui, unde au ajuns mai multe utilaje.
Source: Mediafax
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