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Social Media Optimization

Social commerce

Social Media Optimization, or SMO, is a set of methods to attract visitors to web site content through the promotion thereof via social media. SMO includes actions to promote the dissemination of content by Internet users manual action. There is in this a complement to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which focuses on improving the automatic indexing by search engine robots.

Optimization techniques

We can distinguish two types of optimization for social media:

  • Actions on websites: Involves adding social features to content itself, including: RSS feeds, sharing buttons (social bookmarking) and publishing to community information websites (eg Digg), polling tools and sharing user reviews, and tools for integrating community content such as images and videos. The availability of source code to integrate the content on external sites (eg YouTube embed tag) is also included.

  • Actions outside the websites: Consists to promote and disseminate the contents of a website through social media, including: blogs, by posting comments on other blogs, participating in discussion groups by publishing news on their profiles in social networks

SMO is related to search engines marketing (SEM). Its main difference is that it focuses on driving traffic from sources other than search engines. However, ultimately, a good SMO will also have a beneficial effect on the positioning of a site in the search results.

In many ways, the SMO is similar to viral marketing techniques. Here, the word of mouth is created not through friends or family but through networking technical on social bookmarking sites, sharing videos or photos. The approach is similar to blogs using RSS to share content with the blogosphere and search engines specialized in blogging.

The SMO is a key element of controlling e-reputation for organizations or individuals who care about their online presence.

Optimization strategies

Blogging strategy

The classic strategy is to centralize the role of the blog in the feed of social networks: It publishes the content, and social networks are relays that information. This lodge is done automatically, using specific services. With the use of social media management tools, discussions around the emerging broadcast on various social networking content is centralized. The animation of these communities is recommended to stimulate engagement around the disseminated links. The central role of the blog will also optimize its natural ranking in search engines.

The origins

According to the search engine expert Danny Sullivan, the term “social media optimization” was first used and described by Rohit Bhargava. During 2006, Bhargava has published on his blog 5 rules to carry out the optimization social Media. The 5 rules of origin have been widely reported and updated by the blogosphere and now number 17:

The 5 original rules of Rohit Bhargava:

  1. Increase your linkability
  2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy
  3. Reward inbound links
  4. Help your content travel
  5. Encourage the mashup

The rules added by the blogosphere:

  1. Be a resource for users, look no immediate return
  2. Reward helpful and quality customers
  3. Participate
  4. Know your target audience
  5. Be content creator
  6. Be yourself
  7. Do not forget your roots, stay humble
  8. Do not be afraid to try new things, keep cool
  9. Develop a strategy for social media optimization
  10. Choose carefully optimization tactics
  11. Integrate social media optimization for your creative process and your best practices

Last rule proposed by Bhargava before entrusting the theme to the community of bloggers:

  1. Do not be afraid to state a message or an idea that others emulate it.


As SMO focuses on improving the internal pages of the site, so this method is almost no SPAM. However, RSS feeds can spread advertising non-desired by the reader.


In addition to the simplified spread of content, SMO offers two major opportunities:

  • It facilitates the integration of a brand into existing social networks, making it visible on a crossroad hearing more and more focused. At the same time it enables its users to easily broadcast their opinions on the brand.
  • Being open to social media and Web 2.0, philosophy is generally seen as an open and modern sign.


An unmet customer can propagate his opinion with even more ease that a satisfied customer. This can lead to difficult to predict results. Moreover, facilitating the dissemination of its own content, it becomes easy for evil people to divert or broadcast by appropriating without mentioning the author. Therefore release conditions should be clearly stated (eg Creative Commons) and control may be necessary.

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