Home » Articole » YouTube’s worst idea to promote its 6 s video format with classic books

YouTube’s worst idea to promote its 6 s video format with classic books

posted in: Google, News, Video 0

YouTube thinks (correctly) that a six seconds video format will be more efficient for advertising than the 30 seconds commercials. But the way to promote this new format was unfortunate, at least: to adapt the essence of the most known classic books in a 6 seconds video.

And so I could see some of the ugliest videos, with no connection to the related books. Like Romeo & Juliet: two puppies kept by two people in their arms who lick each one, and that are then held back. And so on.

“We asked ourselves what that would look like to tell the essence of a longer story in a short form.” said Sadie Thoma, YouTube’s head of creative agency development.

A good idea, promoted in a very bad way. Or, maybe, by the wrong ad agencies.

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