Meta tags can have several roles: include the title of the page and provide a summary of its contents, inform robots on details of the site, such as language, document type, coding character used, the author of the page, etc. They can also be used to automatically redirect browsers to another page, to prohibit caching or indexing the page by the engine. Robots, arriving at the site, leave a footprint on the server in the log file. Their passage is identifiable by a “signature” unique to each one. Meta tags are usually performed by a search engine optimizer, one of the profession of the internet.
The meta code (that comply with Hypertext Markup Language) is as follows (it is between the <head> and </head> at the beginning of the page):
This meta tag gives directive for the robots to monitor and inspect the page. Same time, default guidelines of most robots are precisely those, making it unnecessary to use this tag with the attributes “all, index, follow”. Reverse code is:
A SEO requires strong skills for the establishment of a perfectly adapted policy to the target visitors that you want to bring to your site. Thereafter, we must constantly monitor the updating and optimization of the finished work.
Optimizing a website will go through multiple internal levers: content accessibility, semantic coding, implementation of an optimized tree, mesh inner pages, adding fresh content. But external factors are going to impact heavily to establish its authority in the eyes of search engines. The number and quality of inbound links, the signals provided by the social networks, are factors of positive influence.
SEO is a set of techniques intended to render web pages in non-commercial results of search engines. A SEO quality is determined by many factors. While the choice of keywords is important, it is also essential to provide special care the content of the pages of your website. Think the organization of the entries is a major act and you have to take the time to ask the right questions. The information contained in the pages of a website largely determine the quality of SEO.
Today SEO has never been better appreciated. Effectivement Google algorithms, and specifically PENGUIN, focus more on the quality of content of web pages, than on backlinks said artificial.
These links often considered as SPAM, are in the crosshairs of Google, especially those link farms or those that require a contribution in return (paid links), totally banned by Google. For this, Google uses the Penguin algorithm.
Google now directs the quality of search engine sites to much more content than external links (backlinks). It uses a highly selective algorithm, updated frequently and is the bane of SEOs. Moreover, this algorithm has been enhanced in May 2014 and resulted in a dramatic downgrade of big names in the internet.
Regarding the content of the websites, the trend is oriented to semantic search that Google plebiscite because this search mode is suitable for the formulation of questions about this web especially with voice applications on smartphones and soon on Google Glass. That’s why the SEO in 2014 must take into account a relevant and rich content, using the semantic web to optimize SEO and not suffer a sudden downgrade with Panda.
Fight against spamdexing
However, SEO is a profession operating in a complex environment. His techniques increasingly innovative course incorporate new considerations incorporated in the marketing, relationally with communities on a patient sleep changes, as well as some computer and technical imagination. But the business issues that meet the “SEOs” can be contrary to the economic challenges of the search engines, including Google.
Google has developed a range of techniques to counter optimizations that do not comply with its quality guidelines (selling links, hidden text …), called “penalty”. Some decisions have affected some Google sites.
Latest important updates from Google are:
- Panda Update: penalty against sites with little value added, too many commercials.
- Penguin Update: fight against unfair external linking.
- Hummingbird Update: aims to improve the results of google for natural language queries
SEO blogosphere
Many blogs devoted to SEO have emerged, reflecting the diversity of approaches to the job. Some relay the news, constantly changing, of search engines, fairly neutral. Other relay a more engaged perspective (White Hat or Black Hat). Finally deliver some tips, strategies to improve traffic of a site.
A blogosphere dedicated to this field has thus gradually established. This has fostered some SEOs who have gained influence in the business environment.
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