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Marketing 2.0

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Social commerce

The idea of Marketing 2.0 refers to a new generation of emerging marketing concepts of the Internet age. The term was popularized in 2005 when several experts also spoke of Web 2.0. Adetem, the marketing association, devoted his October 2007 National Days.

However, the term of Marketing 2.0 covers at least two rather different meanings today: the first is the adaptation of Web 2.0 tools in marketing; the second to the development of a new marketing that goes beyond the mere Internet.

Exploitation of Web 2.0 tools

The term is part of the common vocabulary of a new generation of marketing experts using the Internet as their primary tool. Unlike their predecessors, they consider mass media (television, newspapers, radio etc.) as secondary tools for communication.

Internet media is seen as an open mechanism of socialization between individuals rather than a one-way medium of mass communication. Marketing communication becomes a dialogue rather than monologue.

Marketing 2.0 is typical use of blogs, RSS feeds, wikis and social networks or larger participatory and community websites in the marketing communication of a brand or institution.

The largest companies in the world have already begun to create marketing 2.0 campaigns.

Brands and agencies can either:

  • exploit existing spaces for socialization relevant for target marketing – That is to say, act as individuals interventions on these spaces: blogs, wikis and social networks. Or be present, but Web 2.0 way. Brands and other institutions create, among others, accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.

  • or create their own social spaces for their audiences – So far, the creation of spaces for networking in own name was mainly characterized by the establishment or the sponsorship of an existing blog, or the establishment of sites involving games.

Development of a new marketing

Using since the late 90 price comparison sites, consultant opinions of their peers on merchant sites and forums, buyers have recovered much of their lost power vis-à-vis producers and distributors: and so was born the notion of empowered consumer (or consum’actor, although the term also refers to the older consumer movements).

In this context, Web 2.0 has amplified the movement and profoundly changed the relationship of consumers to brands: they can now speak freely on the web on their blogs, wikis, etc.

Therefore, the Marketing 2.0 will be more a suitable marketing to a consumer who has changed (some even speak of Consumer 2.0) than just Web 2.0 marketing, and with two major implications:

  • in terms of innovation and creation of products and services: Marketing 2.0 is intended as a collaborative marketing involving consumers closely to their creation. Consider the example of AMAP, which sells Lego constructions designed by children, Current TV, the TV channel founded by Al Gore where a third of the content is created by viewers.
  • in terms of communication: Communication 2.0 strongly implies consumers, particularly in the form of buzz. It corresponds to the passage from a vertical communication (one to many) to a horizontal communication (many to many): the brand loses its privileged status transmitter to become a player among others. Toyota, L’Oreal aired on Current TV spots made by viewers.

Of course, few companies are ready for such changes even if the movement is growing by the day, leading to inside significant changes:

  • On the one hand, considering the difficulties of large companies to innovate, Procter & Gamble has launched a major program called Connect & Develop: now a third of the new products launched by the group have been developed outside the walls of the enterprise; this project has been published in the Harvard Business Review.
  • Moreover, as regards communication, borderless between advertising agencies and media agencies: looking as secondary issues of creation, Carat (subsidiary of Aegis, one of the first agencies in media groups Europe) is now considered as a competitor of classical groups Publicis or Omnicom, as stated by its president (Marie Laure Suaty Chalon to Marketing 2007 National Days).

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