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New medical uses of telocytes

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Academician Laurentiu M. Popescu, who discovered in 2005 telocytes, said Tuesday that they could be used in liver regeneration after previous studies have shown that they have a role in restoring the heart muscle after a heart attack.

Telocytes are a novel defined type of interstitial (stromal) cells, in the field of Stem cells, with very long (tens to hundreds of micrometres) and very thin prolongations (mostly below the resolving power of light microscopy).

“We could say that lately, the most important step in the study of telocytes is the discovery the cells on human liver and their role in liver regeneration in the context of the liver is the only organ in the human body that regenerate really” said Tuesday, Lawrence M. Popescu, director of the National Institute of Pathology “Victor Babes” and academician, who discovered the cell in 2005, along with his team of researchers at the institute.

Regarding myocardial infarction, major cause of death worldwide, recently was demonstrated that telocytes plays an important role in the regeneration of heart muscle after a heart attack. More, were found telocytes in heart valves too, which is extremely important for the industry to produce artificial heart valves, said Lawrence M. Popescu.

Another novelty in medical research of telocytes is given by their decrease or disappearance in case of certain diseases, including scleroderma, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis. The number of telocytes in heart decreases also with age, four or five times, the older adult to the child.

Recently, they have begun an analysis of chromosomal genes in telocyte, following an extensive study with Chinese researchers . “Together with Chinese researchers we made analysis of approximately 4,000 proteins telocyte and analysis of chromosomal genes in telocyte. For the moment are being published results on chromosomes 1 to 5 of the 23 chromosomes of a cell ,” the academician Laurentiu M. Popescu said.

Source: Realitatea.net

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