Harta indexului perceptiei coruptiei in lume
Corupţia politică este folosirea puterii guvernamentale de către oficialii guveramentali pentru câştiguri private ilegale. Folosirea incorectă a puterii guvernamentale în alte scopuri, precum represiunea oponenţilor politici şi brutalităţi poliţieneşti în general, nu este considerată corupţie politică. Nici acţiunile ilegale ale unei persoane particulare sau corporaţie neimplicate direct în actul guvernamental. Un act ilegal al unui funcţionar constituie corupţie politică numai dacă este legat în mod direct de îndatoririle sale oficiale.
Toate formele de guvernământ sunt susceptibile la corupere politică. Formele de corupţie variază, dar includ mita, jecmăneala, prieteniile interesate, nepotismul, şperţul, şi delapidarea. Corupţia poate facilita acţiunile criminale, precum traficul de droguri, spălarea de bani şi traficul de persoane, dar nu este restrânsă la aceste genuri de crimă organizată. În unele ţări, corupţia este aşa de obişnuită încât se întâlneşte chiar şi în relaţiile obişnuite, de zi cu zi, dintre oamenii de afaceri şi cetăţeni în general, cu oficialii guvernamentali. Forma extremă a corupţiei politice este cleptocraţia, tradusă literar prin „reglementarea hoţiei”.
Activităţile de corupţie şi care sunt considerate ilegale diferă în funcţie de ţară şi jurisdicţie. Anumite practici politice care sunt legale într-un loc pot fi ilegale în altul. În unele ţări, oficialii guvernamentali au definit puterea pe larg sau mai ambiguu, şi linia de demarcaţie între legal şi ilegal poate fi dificil de stabilit.
Mita în lume se estimează la o valoare de 1 trilion USD, povara corupţiei suportând-o cei peste un miliard de oameni care trăiesc sîntr-o sărăcie extremă.
- African corruption ‘on the wane’, 10 July 2007, BBC News
- Nigeria’s corruption busters
- New Statesman – When the money goes west
- Ukraine remembers famine horror
- „How common is bribe-paying?”. http://www.transparency.org/news_room/latest_news/press_releases/2005/09_12_2005_barometer_2005. „…a relatively high proportion of families in a group of Central Eastern European, African, and Latin American countries paid a bribe in the previous twelve months.”
- Kentucky’s unholy alliance
- O’Toole, Patricia, „The War of 1912,” TIME in Partneship with CNN, Jun. 25, 2006.
- Roosevelt, Theodore. An Autobiography: XV. The Peace of Righteousness, Appendix B, NEW YORK: MACMILLAN, 1913.
- http://www.heritage.org/Index/chapters/pdf/Index2000_Chap3.pdf Economic Freedom and Corruption (pdf), Alejandro A. Chafuen and Eugenio Guzmán
- http://www.heritage.org/Index/chapters/pdf/Index2000_Chap3.pdf Economic Freedom and Corruption (pdf), Alejandro A. Chafuen and Eugenio Guzmán
- AsiaMedia :: Right to Information Act India’s magic wand against corruption
- Western bankers and lawyers ‘rob Africa of $150bn every year
- Why benchmarking works – PSD Blog – World Bank Group
- http://www.adelaide.edu.au/cies/0320.pdf
- http://www.heritage.org/Index/chapters/pdf/Index2000_Chap3.pdf Economic Freedom and Corruption (pdf), Alejandro A. Chafuen and Eugenio Guzmán
- Project Syndicate
- Privatization in Competitive Sectors: The Record to Date. Sunita Kikeri and John Nellis. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2860, June 2002. [1] Privatization and Corruption. David Martimort and Stéphane Straub. [2]
- Who wants to be a millionaire? – An online collection of Nigerian scam mails
- Nigeria’s corruption totals $400 billion
- USATODAY.com – Fidel Castro net worth rises, according to ‘Forbes’
- Ben Shapiro :: Townhall.com :: The death of Fidel Castro
- A Decade of Measuring the Quality of Governance.
- „Louisiana Most Corrupt State in the Nation„, Corporate Crime Reporter, 2007–10-08, http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/corrupt100807.htm
- Alexandra Wrage (2007) Bribery and Extortion: Undermining Business, Governments and Security
- Axel Dreher, Christos Kotsogiannis, Steve McCorriston (2004), Corruption Around the World: Evidence from a Structural Model.
- Kimberly Ann Elliott, ed, Corruption and the Global Economy (1997)
- Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin, eds, Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America’s Economic History U. of Chicago Press, 2006. 386 pp. ISBN 0-226-29957-0.
- Arnold J. Heidenheimer, Michael Johnston and Victor T. LeVine (eds), Political Corruption: A Handbook (1989) 1017 pages.
- Michael Johnston. Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy (2005)
- Johann Graf Lambsdorff (2007), The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy Cambridge University Press
- Frank Report – Diverse articole de Frank Parlato Jr. despre corupţia în Niagara Falls, NY
- IPS Inter Press Service – Ştiri despre corupţie din toată lumea
- Development Gateway
- The Daytona Post – Ştiri despre corupţia înSUA – Daytona Beach şi Florida
Organizaţii şi studii internaţionale
- Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4) – Online research reports and extensive resources on anti-corruption in a development context.
- Corruption and Emergency Relief (ODI) – Online research reports and extensive resources on corruption risks in a humanitarian context from the Overseas Development Institute.
- C2 Principles – a framework developed by researchers of Wharton School to reduce global corruption.
- United Nations Convention against Corruption at Law-Ref.org – fully indexed and crosslinked with other documents
- OECD: Corruption
- World Bank anti-corruption page
- World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators Worldwide ratings of country performances on six governance dimensions from 1996 to present.
- Corruption Literature Review World Bank Literature Review.
- UN Office on Drugs and Crime – Has sub-section dealing with corruption worldwide.
- The Development Gateway’s virtual library and online community on anti-corruption and good governance
- Transparency International
- UNICORN: A Global Trade Union Anti-corruption Network, based at Cardiff University
- Internet Center For Corruption Research
- Global Integrity Report – Extensive analysis of openness and accountability of governments by Global Integrity, which grew out of the Center for Public Integrity.
- Tool to analyze anti-corruption and institutional reform
- Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center – an academic research center devoted to studying transnational crime and corruption
- BRIBEline – report bribe demands securely and anonymously
- TRACE – a non-profit membership organization providing anti-bribery compliance tools
- Business Anti-Corruption Portal Country and sectorspecific information on corruption
- Anti-corruption Gateway
- Corruption and Tax Revenue Generating Capacity Draft Paper (IMF)
- FiscalRangers Blog on Corruption in Iraq & the World
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