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Messages will represent the business – so you can convince customers by providing useful information on the advertised products. The more details you enter in the text, about the nature of the product, the better.

It is easier to conceive a good message when you raised the necessary information and have grouped them into categories. You just have to choose the ones most relevant and describe them clearly and concisely.

Success copywriting involves the following steps:

1. Gathering information about the product

For an existing product, there are many materials you can send to a copywriter as background information. These materials include:

  • sketches / copies of previous posters
  • brochures
  • catalogs
  • press releases
  • posters and other materials of competitors
  • specific elements of the product
  • technical drawings
  • business and marketing plans
  • reports
  • proposals

Studying this material, copywriter should have 80% of the information needed to write text. And the other 20% you can get by lifting your phone and asking questions.

2. Identify the essential characteristics of the product

  • What are its features and benefits? (Develop a list)
  • What are the major benefits?
  • How does the product differ from that of competitors? (What are the best characteristics face to the competition)
  • If the product is not better, what are the characteristics that might stake and that competition has not staked?
  • What are the applications of the product?
  • What kind of problem solving product to market?
  • What is the product’s market position?
  • How does the product?
  • How effective is it?
  • How is the economy?
  • Who bought the product and what he said about it?
  • What sizes, materials and designs are available?
  • What kind of service and support offered to producers?
  • Is guaranteed the product?

3. Identify the target audience

  • Who will buy the product? (To which market segment it addresses?)
  • What is the main concern of the buyer? (price, performance, safety, service, quality, efficiency)
  • What motivates the buyer?

Once you have established your target audience, you can decide which language you will use in your message. In a way you send the message to children (language and arguments must be on their meaning), and otherwise to people with high incomes (in this case the language has to be developed).

4. Establish objectives of your message

  • To generate questions
  • To generate sales
  • To answer questions
  • To turn potential customers into real customers
  • To send information about product
  • To build the company’s image

Stage setting goals is essential for developing the message. If you do not set goals clearly, then completing subsequent steps is almost useless.

5. Identify the format of the message

Your message will be advertise by a poster, half page of a magazine, a piece of newspaper, a flyer, a brochure, a catalog, or online advertising? Decision on is generally made according to the target audience and the available budget.

6. Develop the message

Develop arguments based on the information and decisions made in earlier stages. Affirm strong existing arguments, detailing the product, but do not insist too much. Two key arguments are more important than ten weak arguments. The amount of information transmitted and its type depends mainly on the objectives and format chosen for the message.

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