Full name: French Republic. The départements d’outre-mer (DOM) are the (French) overseas departments in English. Do not abbreviate. The pays et térritoires d’outre-mer (PTOM) are the overseas countries and territories (OCTs in English).
Official language: French.
Write Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg.
Rivers and lakes
Use the forms Meuse (Maas only if the context is solely the Netherlands) and Moselle (Mosel only if the context is solely Germany). Write Rhine for Rhein, Rhin, and Rijn. Use Lake Geneva for Lac Léman.
Write Corsica.
Anglicise the Alps, and Pyrenees (no accents). Do not anglicise Massif Central (except for capital C) and Alpes Maritimes (capital M).
- Île-de-France > Île-de-France
- Bassin parisien > Paris basin
- Champagne-Ardenne > Champagne-Ardenne
- Picardie > Picardy
- Haute-Normandie > Upper Normandy
- Centre > Centre
- Basse-Normandie > Lower Normandy
- Bourgogne > Burgundy
- Nord-Pas-de-Calais > Nord/Pas-de-Calais
- Est > East
- Lorraine > Lorraine
- Alsace > Alsace
- Franche-Comté > Franche-Comté
- Ouest > West
- Pays de la Loire > Loire Region
- Bretagne > Brittany
- Poitou-Charentes > Poitou-Charentes
- Sud-Ouest > South-West
- Aquitaine > Aquitaine
- Midi-Pyrénées > Midi-Pyrénées
- Limousin > Limousin
- Centre-Est > Centre-East
- Rhône-Alpes > Rhône-Alpes
- Auvergne > Auvergne
- Méditerranée > Mediterranean
- Languedoc-Roussillon > Languedoc-Roussillon
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) > Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Corse > Corsica
- Départements d’outre-mer (DOM) > Overseas Departments*
- Guadeloupe > Guadeloupe
- Martinique > Martinique
- Guyane > French Guiana
- Réunion > Réunion
* NB: avoid OD.
Judicial bodies
- Commission de recours amiable > Amicable Settlement Board
- Conseil d’état > Council of State
- Conseil de prud’hommes > Employment Tribunal
- Cour administrative d’appel > Administrative Court of Appeal
- Cour d’appel > Court of Appeal
- Cour d’assises > Court of Assizes
- Cour de cassation > Court of Cassation
- juge d’instruction > investigating judge
- juge de proximité > local judge
- Juridiction de proximité > local court
- Tribunal administratif > Administrative court
- Tribunal correctionnel > Criminal Court
- Tribunal d’instance > District Court
- Tribunal de commerce > Commercial Court
- Tribunal de grande instance > Regional Court
- Tribunal de police > Police Court
- Tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale > Social Security Tribunal
Legal instruments
- arrêté > order [regulation issued by a Minister or Prefect]
- Code judiciaire > Judicial Code
- décret > decree [regulation issued by the Prime Minister or the President of the Republic]
- loi > act/law
- ordonnance > order
- règlement > regulation
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