Full name: Republic of Slovenia.
Official language: Slovenian.
Be aware that German texts may refer to Ljubljana as Laibach and that Italian texts may refer to Koper as Capodistria. Always use the Slovenian names when writing in English. In the case of town names whose second word has an initial small letter in Slovenian, use an initial capital (e.g. for Novo mesto write Novo Mesto).
- Vzhodna Slovenija > East Slovenia
- Pomurska > Pomurska
- Podravska > Podravska
- Koroška > Koroška
- Savinjska > Savinjska
- Zasavska > Zasavska
- Posavska > Posavska
- Jugovzhodna Slovenija > South-East Slovenia
- Primorsko-notranjska > Primorsko-notranjska
- Zahodna Slovenija > West Slovenia
- Osrednjeslovenska > Central Slovenia
- Gorenjska > Gorenjska
- Goriška > Goriška
- Obalno-kraška > Obalno-kraška
Judicial bodies
- Delovno sodišče > labour court
- Okrajno sodišče > local court
- Okrožno sodišče > district court
- Upravno sodišče > Administrative Court
- Ustavno sodišče > Constitutional Court
- Višje sodišče > higher court
- Vrhovno državno tožilstvo > Office of the State Prosecutor-General
- Vrhovno sodišče > Supreme Court
Legal instruments
- Mednarodna pogodba > international treaty
- Navodilo > instruction
- Odločba > judgment (on the merits of a case when issued by a court)
- Odločba > decision (in other contexts)
- Odlok > ordinance (if issued by a local authority/municipality)
- Odlok > order (if issued by the Government/a minister)
- Pogodba > agreement
- Pravilnik > rules
- Sklep > decision (on a procedural matter when issued by a court)
- Uredba > decree
- Zakon > law/act
- Zakonodaja > legislation
Law gazettes, official gazettes and official journals
When Uradni List Republike Slovenije occurs for the first time in a text, refer to it as Uradni List RS (UL RS; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia) No …
If it occurs again in the same text, refer to it as UL RS No …
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