Full name: Portuguese Republic.
Official language: Portuguese.
Write Lisbon, but use the native form Porto (not Oporto).
Write Tagus for Tejo.
Use the Azores.
- Continente > Continental Portugal
- Norte > North
- Algarve > The Algarve
- Centro > Centre
- Lisboa > Lisbon
- Alentejo > Alentejo
- Região Autónoma dos Açores > Azores
- Região Autónoma da Madeira > Madeira
Judicial bodies
- Conselho Superior da Magistratura > Supreme Council of the Judiciary
- Julgados de Paz > Justices of the Peace
- Ministério Público > Public Prosecutor’s Office
- Procuradoria-Geral da República > Attorney-General’s Office
- Supremo Tribunal Administrativo > Supreme Administrative Court
- Supremo Tribunal de Justiça > Supreme Court of Justice
- Tribunal Arbitral > Court of Arbitration
- Tribunal de Comarca > District Court
- Tribunal de Contas > Audit Court
- Tribunal de Relação > Court of Appeal
- Tribunal dos Conflitos > Tribunal dos Conflitos (Court dealing with conflicts of jurisdiction)
Legal instruments
- Constituição > Constitution
- decreto regional > regional decree
- decreto regulamentar > implementing decree
- decreto regulamentar regional > regional implementing decree
- decreto-lei > decree-law
- despacho normativo > legislative order
- lei > act/law
- norma constitucional > constitutional statute
- portaria > ministerial implementing order
- postura > (municipal) by-law
- resolução do Conselho de Ministros > resolution of the Council of Ministers
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