Full name: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Note the spelling, and use it for the capital city as well. Note Luxembourg Government, Luxembourg cuisine, the Luxembourg climate, but when referring to the language use the –ish form: Luxembourgish expressions, Luxembourgish poetry. Where French texts refer simply to le Grand-Duché, render in English as Luxembourg.
Official languages: French, German and Luxembourgish (although the latter is not an EU official language).
The Act of 24 February 1984 on the language regime states that the national language is Luxembourgish, the legislative language is French and the administrative languages are French, German and Luxembourgish.
Use Moselle (Mosel only if the context is solely Germany).
Luxembourg constitutes a single NUTS region.
Judicial bodies
- Conseil arbitral des assurances sociales > Social Insurance Arbitration Board
- Conseil supérieur des assurances sociales > Social Insurance Appeals Board
- Cour administrative > Administrative Court
- Cour constitutionnelle > Constitutional Court
- cour d’appel > court of appeal
- Cour de cassation > Court of Cassation
- Cour supérieure de justice > Supreme Court of Justice
- justice de paix > justice of the peace court (syn. magistrates’ court)
- Tribunal administratif > Administrative Court of First Instance
- tribunal d’arrondissement > district court
- tribunal de la jeunesse et des tutelles > juvenile and guardianship court
- tribunal de paix (synonym: tribunal siégant en matière civile et commerciale) > civil and commercial court
- tribunal de police > police court (syn. local criminal court)
- tribunal du travail > labour court
Legal instruments
- arrêté ministériel > ministerial decree
- code civil > Civil Code
- code d’instruction criminelle > Code of Criminal Procedure
- code de procédure civile > Code of Civil Procedure
- code pénal > Criminal Code
- loi > act/law
- loi d’habilitation > enabling statute
- règlement > regulation
- règlement grand-ducal > grand-ducal regulation
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