A mailing list, forum or newsletter can be an excellent way to promote your business. Do you have special knowledge or particular expertise in a particular field? If so, why not edit a weekly or monthly newsletter in which to share with others something in your experience?
One important thing for your business is to make yourself known in your industry. An excellent way is to issue such a newsletter.
The easiest way to moderate such a mailing list or newsletter is to use the services of a dedicated server. The advantage of using such a service is the ease of management of the database. That keeps track of the registered provider, evidence that you can see online.
Regardless of how the list is managed, it is essential that potential subscribers know that they can unsubscribe at any time. Every message to your subscribers may indicate a way to leave the list. Using a service provider will automate this.
There are two ways to use forums or mailing lists/e-groups for promotion, and both are equally strong. You can simply post advertisements or you can develop a base of contacts online. There are differences and specific rules for each of these two methods.
This is the most common method of promoting a website using e-groups. In principle it consists to write an advertisement, following this announcement to be sent to all subscribers of that group. Free advertising, is not great? No, it is not so simple.
First, most of the groups do not like this method of promotion. You can wake up to your mailbox flooded with messages of protest. The general rules say that a group messages can only post content closer to the theme group.
But do not despair! There are some newsgroups that are open to such advertising. Most of dedicated business groups fall into this category.
If you have doubts about this thing about a particular group, read messages posted in the last few days to get used to the general atmosphere. However, even if you see many advertisements does not mean that this is OK. Some people will also post messages regardless of the rules of the group. Our advice is to try to go around it forcing a good promotional methods. Negative effects on the medium and long term will certainly be higher than short-term positive effects.
Online contacts
Another way to increase your presence in thegroups consists of an indirect action, ie in actively participating in discussions in the groups. There are two techniques to use this method: the use of signatures and customer search.
Using a signature is a simple and effective method at the same time. At the end of your message includes a brief description of your business. Do not forget to include your website address, email address and phone number.
Do not use a signature too long, you risk to be considered as an announcement. Also do not interrupt a conversation just to say “Yes, I agree with this view.” If you can not bring new information into the discussion, try to find another newsgroup.
Get involved in as many such discussions, you will build a name in the online community. You’ll never know when one of the people you met here will need your products or services.
Search for prospective clients is an extremely powerful technique. In principle, constantly looking in the discussion groups of people who might be interested in the products you offer.
For example, suppose you sell silver jewelry. A search discussion groups after the words “jewelry + silver” will lead to a post in which the author declares “I am crazy silver jewelry representing animals”. Your joy because you found it, his joy because you found it! In the message you will send do not forget to include your website address, email address, phone number and any other information they consider essential.
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