The NATO summit will take place in Bucharest, Romania, during the April 2-4, in order for Allied leaders to carry forward decisions taken at the Riga Summit and review the evolution of NATO’s main commitments, which are all mutually reinforcing.
During the summit, heads of state and government will assess the situation in Afghanistan and Kosovo, as well as in other regions where NATO is engaged. NATO’s operations and missions are a driving force for the transformation of the Alliance and, in parallel, demonstrate the ability of the Organization to practise solidarity in very different circumstances.
An important point of the summit’s agenda will be the enlargement, for Croatia, Macedonia and Albania.
A major topic of the discussions will be the ability to sustain operations, together with the ability to confront security threats in an effective and unified way, concluding on the NATO’s capacity to provide forces for operations and the ways and means of preparing for future security challenges.
“A NATO summit is not just a working meeting. It is also a symbol of transatlantic unity, of shared values, of common security and a common future,” NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said.“A symbolic meeting needs a symbolic logo. This one, which we are unveiling today, is based on the Wings of Freedom monument which any traveller to Bucharest will see on his way to and from the airport,” De Hoop Scheffer stated.
“There is no doubt that the concept of freedom is at the very foundation of the Alliance, and I think it is a very fitting symbol for our Summit : NATO values, with a Romanian flavour.”
During the NATO’s summit will be closed both airports in Bucharest, for security reasons. It will only be used by top summit guests including U.S. President George W. Bush, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Vladimir Putin who has also indicated he will attend.
The summit is considered the biggest in NATO’s history, with heads of state and of government from all 26 NATO member states, as well as of 23 NATO partner states that will attend the summit.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Organisation (NATO); French: Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique de Nord (OTAN); (also called the North Atlantic Alliance, the Atlantic Alliance, or the Western Alliance) is a military alliance established by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949. With headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, the organization established a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
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