Who are the Internet users? Surprising answer is: nobody knows exactly!
According to a study conducted by the International Forum for Management, ‘typical’ user of the Internet looks like this:
- It is man
- 31 years old
- Earn approx. 65.000 USD per year
- Hraduated high school
- Has a professional or technical job.
There is also the following information about Internet user:
- Spend approximately 18 hours per month on the Internet
- Wants easier navigation, and more consistent and useful information
- Interested in browsing security and privacy
- The most important applications on the Internet are e-mail, social networks, chat (online discussion), and WWW.
For Internet marketing, although the lack of universal standards is an impediment, the explosive growth in the number of users and eliminating geographical boundaries are advantages that can not be neglected.
Internet as a medium of advertising is one of the most important methods for marketers.
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