Full name: Republic of Austria. Note that the Austrian Bundesländer are called ‘provinces’ in English.
Official language: German.
Write Vienna for Wien. Otherwise, retain the original spelling, including any accents (e.g. Sankt Pölten).
Write Lake Constance for Bodensee.
Anglicise the Alps.
Ostösterreich | East Austria |
Burgenland | Burgenland |
Niederösterreich | Lower Austria |
Wien | Vienna |
Südösterreich | South Austria |
Kärnten | Carinthia |
Steiermark | Styria |
Westösterreich | West Austria |
Oberösterreich | Upper Austria |
Salzburg | Salzburg |
Tirol | Tyrol |
Vorarlberg | Vorarlberg |
Judicial bodies
Arbeits- und Sozialgericht Wien | Labour and Social Court, Vienna |
Bezirksanwalt | District Prosecutor |
Bezirksgericht | District Court |
Bundesfinanzgericht | Federal Fiscal Court (as of 1.1.2014) |
Bundesvergabeamt | Federal Procurement Office (obsolete as of 1.1.2014) |
Bundesverwaltungsgericht | Federal Administrative Court (as of 1.1.2014) |
Erster Generalanwalt | First Solicitor General |
Generalanwalt | Solicitor General |
Generalprokurator | Procurator General |
Generalprokuratur | Procurator General’s Office |
Handelsgericht Wien | Commercial Court, Vienna |
Landesgericht | Regional Court |
Landesvergabeamt | Regional Procurement Office |
Landesverwaltungsgericht | Regional Administrative Court (as of 1.1.2014) |
Oberlandesgericht | Higher Regional Court |
Oberstaatsanwalt | Senior Public Prosecutor |
Oberster Gerichtshof | Supreme Court of Justice / Supreme Court |
Rechnungshof | Public Audit Office |
Sprengelrichter | substitute judge |
Staatsanwalt | Public Prosecutor |
Unabhängiger Bundesasylsenat | Independent Federal Asylum Tribunal (obsolete since 2008) |
Unabhängiger Finanzsenat | Independent Finance Tribunal (obsolete as of 1.1.2014) |
Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat | Independent Administrative Tribunal (obsolete as of 1.1.2014) |
Verfassungsgerichtshof | Constitutional Court |
Vergabekontrollsenat Wien | Public Procurement Review Chamber, Vienna (obsolete as of 1.1.2014) |
Verwaltungsgerichtshof | Administrative Court |
Volksanwaltschaft | Ombudsman Board |
Legal instruments
Bescheid | decision |
Bundesgesetz | federal act/law |
Bundesverfassung | Constitution |
Durchführungsverordnung | implementing regulation(s) |
Erlass (= generelle Weisung) | general (administrative) circular |
Gesetz | act/law |
(Rechts)bestimmungen | provisions (of law)/legislation/laws |
(Rechts)verordnung | regulation |
(Rechts)vorschrift | (legal) provision/provision (of law) |
(Rechts)vorschriften | provisions (of law)/legislation/laws |
Rundschreiben | circular |
Weisung | administrative circular |
For English translations of Austrian acts see: Bundeskanzleramt Legal Information System – Austrian Laws in English.
Government bodies and administrative divisions
Bezirk | Translate as ‘district’ or ‘district authority’ [an Austrian Bezirk corresponds to a German Kreis in the NUTS breakdown]. |
Bezirkshauptmann | Translate as ‘head of the district authority, District of …’. |
Bundesland, Bundesländer | Bundesland/länder are the usual terms in Austria and, for Austria, are translated as ‘province(s)’. |
Bundesrat | Write ‘Bundesrat’. Where a gloss is considered necessary, add ‘Upper House of Parliament’ in brackets after the first occurrence. Alternatively, consideration can be given to adding the literal translation, ‘Federal Council’, as a gloss. |
Bundesversammlung | Translate as ‘Bundesversammlung’, adding ‘Federal Assembly’ in brackets after the first occurrence, if a gloss if considered necessary. |
Gemeinde | Translate as ‘municipality’. |
Land, Länder | See Bundesland, Bundesländer above. |
Landeshauptmann | Translate as ‘Governor’. |
Nationalrat | Write ‘Nationalrat’. Where a gloss is considered necessary, add ‘Lower House of Parliament’ in brackets after the first occurrence. Alternatively, consideration can be given to adding the literal translation, ‘National Council’, as a gloss. |
Source: European Commission Directorate-General for Translation
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